Thursday, April 25, 2019

Lifespan tries to keep Partners out of RI. I’m quoted in the Boston Globe

Big bad Partners HealthCare plans to take over Rhode Island’s number two player, Care New England. Lifespan, the
market leader is trying to keep Partners out by appealing to Rhode Islanders’ resentment of out-of-state players
and claiming to have the public interest at heart.

“This is not about Lifespan,” [Lifespan’s CEO Dr. Timothy] Babineau said in an interview. “This is about the
future of health care in Rhode Island.”

Actually, Lifespan seems to want to go from being the big fish in a small pond to the only fish, by merging with Care
New England and Brown, in a so-called “unified” health system, which is just another word for monopoly.

I call them out in the Boston Globe (Lifespan says Partners takeover of Care New England would cost R.I.)

“Lifespan has correctly identified the threat to themselves — but the idea that that is a threat to the
public interest is another matter,” said Williams, president of Health Business Group.

“It’s kind of an obvious move to attack a big company for being from out of state, and [saying] they’re
going to hurt our local economy and drive up costs,” Williams said. “Really what’s happening is [Lifespan] would like to dominate Rhode Island and not have to worry about somebody else.”

Article source:Health Business Blog

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